Is your Pet Shampoo Environmentally Friendly?

Love Your Pets!

3 best flea and tick shampoos for dogs

So your dogs has Fleas!  What are the best 3 flea and tick shampoos for dogs proven effective to kill fleas?

Those disgusting, biting bugs that get into everything!  They can cause your dog to scratch themselves raw. 

The first line of defense is a good flea killing shampoo for dogs that kills those fleas dead on contact.

Best Flea and Tick Shampoo for Dogs Chart

Best Flea and Tick Shampoos for Dogs Reviews

Editor’s Choice Flea and Tick Products: Top Flea Shampoos

  1. Best Flea Kit TropiClean
  2. Best Selling Adams Plus
  3. ​Best Organic 4 Legger

best tick shampoos

TropiClean Natural Flea and Tick Defense Dog Shampoo Review

TropiClean Flea Kit: Best Flea Combo Kit

best flea and tick shampoo for dogs

TropiClean Features

  • Comes in a 2 pack: shampoo and spray
  • Safe for puppies 12 weeks and older
  • Repels fleas, ticks, mosquitoes

This is a quality product from Tropiclean and provides protection from fleas and ticks. The ingredients are derived from all natural sources and are blended with lemon grass and sesame oil for maximizing the efficacy.

Tropiclean flea and tick shampoo is free from harsh and harmful chemicals like pyrethrin or permethrin. It is made from a natural formula and primarily made to treat fleas or ticks.

Tropiclean makes many products for dogs including breath fresheners and a puppy shampoo.  Check them out here: Tropiclean Products.

best dog flea and tick shampoos


  • Repels fleas and ticks with lemongrass and sesame oil
  • No harsh chemicals
  • Smells good
  • Safe for all breeds


  • 12 weeks and older only
  • Not for pets with sensitive skin
  • Can cause mild reaction in humans so wear gloves

Best Selling Flea and Tick Shampoo for Dogs

Adams Plus Flea & Tick Shampoo for Dogs Review

Adams Plus: Best Selling Flea and Tick Sha​​mpoo

best flea and tick shampoo for dogs

Adams Plus Features

  • Kills fleas, eggs, larvea, and ticks
  • PRECOR additive prevents against more fleas for up to 28 days
  • Lanolin and oatmeal moisturize and cleanse
  • Safe for all pets

does dog shampoo kill lice

Adams Plus Flea and Tick Shampoo with PRECOR is one of the best dog flea and tick shampoos on the market.  Concentrated and formulated from all natural ingredients such as oatmeal extract, coconut oil, aloe vera extract and lanolin.

These ingredients act as both cleansing and moisturizing agents, thereby leaving your dog’s fur clean, shiny and smooth after application of the product.  Adams not only kills fleas, it also deep cleans your dog, removing dirt and dander.

The additive PRECOR Insect Growth Regulator kills the adult fleas thereby hindering the life cycle of the same for the next 28 days.  Also, is best to use the shampoo only within 18 months after the date of packaging.

You can give your dog another flea bath right away if the infestation is bad, otherwise, Adams recommend every 7-14 days.   As always, do a spot check on your dog to make sure that they are not allergic to the ingredients in this shampoo.

Adams has a large selection of flea shampoos and products that are safe to use on dogs.  They are priced better than a lot of the competition, and the best price is online.   Adams is one of the best flea shampoos for dogs.

View more Adams Pet Care products here: Adams Pet Care

best flea and tick shampoo


  • Doesn’t leave a bad smell after application
  • Removes dirt and dander
  • All natural ingredients


  • Not so great in hot and humid conditions
  • Not for all breeds

Best Natural Flea Shampoo for Dogs

4 Legger: Natural Dog Shampoo Review

4 Legg​​er

best 3 flea and tick shampoos for dogs

Wahl Features

  • 100% vegan plant based ingredients
  • Concentrated and long lasting
  • Safe for Puppies under 12 weeks!
  • Safe for all breeds

4-legger products are free from toxins usually found in other pet grooming products.  This is another one of our top 10 dog shampoo picks that is not only good for your pet, but is also environmentally friendly. 

4-legger products are 100% USDA certified organic with no detergents, parabens or sulfates.  Their products are also biodegradable, vegan and cruelty free.  Fleas are repelled by using the natural lemongrass scent.

4-legger shampoos are making a name for themselves with vets and groomers due to their moisturizing and compatibility with the sensitive skin of dogs. All natural ingredients like coconut oil, shea butter, jojoba oil along with essential oils from lemongrass and rosemary, add to the appeal for 4-legger products.

Visit 4 Legger for tons more healthy and safe products for your pets.  View their products here: 4 Legger.

best dog shampoo


  • No wet dog smell
  • No harmful chemicals
  • Non irritating
  • Safe for all breeds
  • Approved by Vets


  • Only repels fleas for about a week

Fleas FAQs

Fleas and Your Dogs Health

A flea infestation in your dog’s fur is a serious condition that should be given special attention.

These parasitic creatures persistently feed on the blood of your pet and the resulting bites leave them irritated and itchy. Your dog, like mine, could even be allergic to the bites and scratch themselves raw!

The skin infections caused by flea bites may also result in anemia which is a serious condition.

It’s a great idea to research the best flea and tick shampoos for dogs before deciding which one to use on your puppy or dog.

Quick Flea Facts

  • Fleas lay up to 50 eggs per day!
  • Flea eggs and larva must be exterminated, not just adult fleas or the flea life cycle will continue.
  • How long can fleas live?  Fleas live 2-3 months
  • They can go 100 days without food AKA blood that they get by biting your pets and family members
  • Pets can be allergic to the bites (flea saliva) and scratch themselves raw
  • Fleas can survive the cold, but not heat.  You can wash and dry your bedding on the highest setting and drown and kill the fleas

Learn more about those disgusting fleas in our post 10 crazy facts about fleas.

What is Flea Shampoo for dogs?

The best flea and tick shampoo for dogs are formulated to kill fleas, their eggs and any larvea that are on your dog.  They will also repel fleas using a combination of natural ingredients and insect repellents.

They will be gentle enough to use on your dog, but some are not made for puppies under 12 weeks.

Flea shampoo for dogs is exactly that.  It won’t solve an allergies, dry skin, itch or a medical problem your dog may have on their skin.

Will Flea Shampoo get Rid of Fleas on my Dog?

Do flea shampoos work for dogs? Yes!  Flea shampoo is made to kill the fleas on your dog.  But only that.  It is not a long term flea solution.Any fleas in the environment, like your house or yard, will not be dealt with.

Flea shampoos provide immediate relief by killing the fleas that are currently on your dog.  They should be used with a longer term solution like a flea collar, topical treatment and yard/furniture sprays.

Will Regular Dog Shampoo Kill Fleas?

Regular dog shampoo might drown the fleas currently on your dog, but not likely.  You need to buy a shampoo formulated by vet and pest control experts with ingredients that kill fleas, their eggs and larvae.

Can You Use Flea Shampoo and Frontline?

Most flea shampoos for dogs are made so that they don’t remove topical flea treatments like Frontline or Advantage.  Check if your flea shampoo works with topical flea treatments by reading the instructions before you give your dog a bath.

Is there a Tick Shampoo for Dogs?

Most flea shampoos also kill ticks.  They work against ticks in the same way they work against fleas.  They kill any ticks that are on your dog and also work to keep them off by repelling them.  Check the label on your flea shampoo to make sure it also works for ticks.  All 3 of our recommended best flea shampoos for dogs also work to keep ticks off y our dog.

Homemade Flea Shampoos for Dogs: Flea Shampoo for Dogs DIY

Dog flea shampoos are medicated products that are formulated in such a way that not only kill the fleas and ticks but also clean your dogs fur.

In some instances, pet owners opt for homemade anti-flea shampoos.  These natural flea and tick shampoos are easy to make with ingredients you have lying around the house.

Giving a dog a flea bath in vinegar, liquid dishwashing soap and warm water may remove the itchiness for the time being, but the same is not a permanent solution.  Natural flea shampoos will also require a ton of brushing and combing.  Homemade flea shampoo is good in a pinch, if you want to give your dog some quick relief.  But we recommend going for a long term solution.

A more effective solution is to opt for a medicated anti-flea shampoo with a flea collar or a topical treatment.  Don’t forget to treat your house too, that’s where most of the fleas are actually living!

Do Flea Shampoos Work?

Does dog shampoo kill fleas?

Yes!  Flea shampoos for dogs are part of a flea control strategy that can also include flea collars, topical flea treatments, flea and tick combs, and furniture sprays.

But you can’t use any dog shampoo and think that will help to get rid of the fleas on your pet.  You must buy a dog shampoo specifically for killing fleas.

The best flea shampoos work to stop the flea life cycle.  How do flea shampoo work?  They work by killing not only the live adult fleas on your dog, but they also kill the eggs and larva and also repel fleas off your pooch.

This is done with an insect growth regulator such as PRECOR or  a more natural approach such as citrus to repel the fleas.

In order to rid yourself of your flea problem, not only will you have to treat your dog, you will have to invest some time and money into flea control and prevention.

Flea collars, topical treatments, furniture sprays, vacuuming and washing bedding will have to be done consistently to rid yourself of your flea problem.

Does Baby Shampoo Kill Fleas on Dogs?

While you may drown a few fleas here and there just by using baby shampoo on your dog, this won’t really do anything to the fleas on your dog and is just a waste of time.  Bathing a dog helps to get rid of fleas only when you use a flea control shampoo.

How Long Does Flea Shampoo Take to Work?

Flea shampoo works right away to kill the fleas, eggs, and larvae that are on your dog.  What it doesn’t do it kill all the fleas that are in your house and yard.  It also doesn’t form some invisible flea barrier that keeps fleas from jumping onto your dog.

For long term flea control, you will need one of the products we recommended above: Advantix II,  Seresto, Revolution Etc.

best flea and tick shampoo for dogs

How Often Can You Flea Dip Your Dog?

A flea dip sometimes gets confused with a flea bath.  Flea dips are a substance that you put onto your dog and you don’t rinse off.  They are old school and not as effective (and much more toxic) than the treatments we now have available.

Instead of a flea dip, we recommend using the products below to control fleas.


Other Ways to Control Fleas on Your Dog


Advantix II

 how often should i bathe my dog in flea shampoo

I have used both Advantage/Advantix and Revolution for my flea issues.

I found that the fleas were not being killed by Advantage any more so I switched to Revolution.

Depending on where you live, you may need to get a prescription from your vet. Revolution is a safe and simple monthly topical medication used to protect your dog or cat from heartworms, fleas, and ear mites.

Revolution is also used on dogs for the treatment or prevention of fleas, the American Dog Tick, ear mites, and canine sarcoptic mange.  It should only be used on dogs older than 6 weeks.

Never use use your dogs topical flea treatments on your cat: they contain ingredients that will seriously harm your cat.  Only use products that are made specifically for your cat.

Where to buy:

Seresto Flea Collars

seresto flea collar

This top selling Seresto flea and tick collar comes recommended by Vets.  It provides a low concentrated continuous release for 8 months of protection.  If you don’t like the idea of medications or topical flea treatments this one may be for you.

VetKem Spray

vetkem flea spray

I personally have found a ton of success using a spray called VetKem. I would consider it the best flea spray for your home on the market. 

My 2 pets were infested and the fleas were jumping all over me when I sat on the furniture!  GROSS! 

I sprayed VetKem in the furniture and the carpets as well.  Don’t forget to take off the cushions and pillows and get right inside the dark cracks where fleas love to hide and wait for their next victim.

I also sprayed in the cracks by the floorboards. One can does go a long way, so the cost is worth it.  It kills all fleas, eggs and larva for up to 7-8 months. 

Of course, you can’t stop there.  You will need to use human power. Good old fashioned elbow grease! You will have to vacuum your carpets (or sweep your floor) and furniture DAILY. 

Spray some vet kem and put some salt in your vacuum bag or canister to kill those fleas that get sucked up.  Maybe I went a little crazy.  But all the effort paid off and within a week or so all of the fleas were DEAD.

Is Flea Shampoo Safe for Dogs?

Flea shampoo is safe for dogs.  Companies that manufacture flea shampoos for dogs know their stuff.  They formulate their dog shampoos with ingredients that are deadly to fleas yet gentle on your dog. 

They do this by hiring Vets and pest experts to ensure you get the best quality product possible. Flea shampoo for dogs from dollar general or family dollar is a no go. 

Do NOT skimp out and be cheap with your pets health.  Spending an extra 5$ could mean the difference between a healthy happy cat or a $1,000 vet bill and health problems for life.  Just.don’

The flea shampoo that you use may not be safe for your puppy.  Make sure to use an alternative flea treatment and purchase a flea shampoo specially formulated to be gentle on your puppy such as Wahls Products.

What to Look for when Buying Flea Shampoo for Dogs

Best Flea and Tick Shampoo Features

  • Safe for your breed
  • Kills fleas, ticks, eggs and larvae
  • Natural ingredients
  • Vet approved
  • Long lasting
  • Smells good
  • Non toxic
  • Non irritating
  • Expiry date far into the future
  • Repels fleas

How to Check your Dog for Fleas

An effective anti-flea medicated product kills the adult fleas ending the flea’s life cycle, thereby alleviating your dog from discomfort.

Anti-flea shampoo can be used like a regular product and it doesn’t cause any harm to the dog’s coat and skin.  The same can be used with a spot on treatment product or with a flea collar for more effective treatment. 

The video below will show you how to check your pet for fleas so that you can be sure before treating them unnecessarily.

You should look for flea dirt on your pets skin, searching the areas around the neck and head first.  Flea dirt looks like tiny specs of black dirt. 

If you take the dirt and rub it on a white piece of paper, it will streak red!  It is actually flea poop (disgusting I know) and it is made up of your pets blood! 

You can also use a flea comb to comb through your pets fur.  The flea comb will pick up flea dirt, eggs and even fleas.  Make sure to give you pet a flea bath if you find anything!

It is always good to use natural products to ensure they leave no harmful damage on the pet. However, it is always a good idea to consult a veterinarian before using the product on your pet, especially nursing and pregnant dogs.

Do not use dog flea control products on cats; they contain ingredients that are toxic to your feline friends. 

Always read the label and make sure the product you purchase is good for all pets.  If in doubt, contact the manufacturer or your vets office for advice.

If you are looking for the best flea shampoo for cats, check out our recent post where we review the top 4 flea shampoos for cats that are proven effective: Top 4 Proven Best Flea Shampoos for Cats.

Does Flea Shampoo for Dogs Expire?

YES!  Using an expired dog shampoo may make your dogs skin problem worse and no one wants that.  Remember that dogs have more sensitive skin than humans, and any kind of negligence can harm their skin in a major way.  It is best to avoid any product that has passed its expiry date.

You must pay attention to the expiry date purchasing a dog flea shampoo.

It’s important to make sure that the container has not been tampered with.  Also, double check the expiry date and make sure the date is far into the future. 

Where is the expiration date on dog shampoo? Just like products made for humans, it should be printed and visible

  • on the bottom of the bottle
  • on the lid
  • on the side 

How long is dog shampoo good for?  Well, the depends on the product. 

A medicated shampoo for fleas and ticks or skin conditions, or an all natural shampoo without preservatives, may have a shorter expiry date than other commercial dog shampoos.

Keep your receipt!  This will come in handy if your dog reacts badly to the shampoo and you need to return it.

How do I give my Dog a Flea Bath

First step is to make sure to follow the instructions on the bottle.

 1. Get your pet thoroughly wet.2. Using about 1-2 tablespoons, lather up your pet, starting with the neck, tail area and paws and make sure to massage the shampoo down to the skin.3. Lather up the rest of your pet and4. Leave the shampoo on for 5-10 minutes (make sure to have treats or a helper handy!).         5.  Dry your pet thoroughly6.  Comb or brush your pet with a flea comb and get all those dead fleas and eggs out of your dogs coat.

How often can you Bathe your dog with Flea Shampoo?

If your pet has a big flea problem, you can give them another bath right away, otherwise every 7-14 days is recommended by most manufacturers. You do not want to bathe your pet everyday, this will dry out their skin and fur and your dog may end up having skin AND flea problems.  Make sure to wait 24 hours after applying a topical flea treatment before you dip your dog in a flea bath. Flea killing shampoo for dogs along with flea collars, flea combs, furniture sprays, and topical treatments will rid your home of fleas and prevent fleas from returning.  Most manufacturers of flea shampoos for dogs also have a line of total flea control products such as Adams, which makes everything from flea shampoo for pets, to flea collars, to flea sprays for furniture and your yard.  Attacking your flea problem from all angles, makes sure to get it under control fast. Read our post that goes into detail about how often you can bathe your dog in flea shampoo.

Can Flea Shampoo for Dogs be Used on Cats?

No.  Unless the product states on the bottle that it can be used on cats and dogs, then do not use it on your cat.  You will have to buy a product that is specially formulated for cats.

Ingredients such pyrethrins that are found in flea killing shampoo for dogs can seriously harm or even kill your cat. 

If you do not use a flea shampoo specifically made for cats, or flea products made for cats in general, they can make your cat very sick. This can cause your cat to experience nerve damage and even death. 

You might also wonder if you can use a flea shampoo for cats on your dog?  The answer is the same: unless the product specifically says it is for BOTH cats and dogs, do not use it on your pooch.  It could seriously harm or even kill your dog. 

Even then, we recommend reading the ingredients list to ensure that nothing in the flea shampoo could harm your cat or dog.  We review the Top 4 Proven Best flea shampoos for cats in our post here.

Dollar Store Flea Shampoo for Dogs

This is another no no.  Trying to save a few bucks on your pets shampoo can cost them their health.  Save yourself the pain and sadness, and a few $1,000 in vet bills, and buy a reputable shampoo such as the ones above.

Flea Shampoo for Puppies

Puppies, especially those under 12 weeks of age, are particularly vulnerable (because they are so little) to the flea killing ingredients in flea control products. 

Try the alternatives above if you find fleas on your puppy and consult your vet if you can’t get rid of them yourself.

Alternative to Flea Shampoo for Dogs

If you do not want to use flea shampoo on your dog (maybe it is too young or pregnant or otherwise sick) there are alternative flea treatments you can use. 

Alternatives to flea shampoo for dogs include using Dawn dish detergent, diatomaceous earth in your yard, throwing down Borax or salt onto your carpets/floors and vacuuming/sweeping regularly, flea collars, topical flea treatments and furniture sprays. 

Flea Shampoo for Pregnant Dogs

In this instance, I would recommend using other methods of removing fleas from your dog instead of a shampoo that contains flea killing ingredients.  Try a flea comb, dawn dish detergent and treat the furniture/bedding with flea sprays. 

Remember that most of your flea problem comes from the fleas, eggs and larva in your home, not the ones on your pet. 

Reducing or eliminating the fleas in your home and on your pregnant dog will reduce the chances that the puppies will end up with fleas.  Consult your vet for further information.


The large number of options available in the market today complicates the process of choosing the appropriate product for your pooch.

There are a ton of flea and tick killing products and a huge number of ingredient choices and special additives available in the products that caters to specific needs of the pet owners poses can make it difficult to choose what is right for you and your pet.

We took a look at the best 3 flea and tick shampoos on the market, judged by customers just like you.

If you are looking for the best selling flea and tick solution, then choose Adams Plus Flea and Tick Shampoo.  With an insect growth regulator, you may only have to give your dog a flea bath once a month!

If a strong and effective product is your choice, that is all natural and offers protection from parasitic insects without the detrimental effects you can opt for TropiClean Natural Flea and Tick Defense Shampoo.

For a milder yet effective product that can offer extensive protection against fleas, ticks and is also gentle on the skin of your dog, the 4 Legger Dog Shampoo is the ideal choice.

Do you have a tip or trick to fight fleas and ticks on your pets?  Share it with us in the comments below.

And don’t forget to show us some love and follow us!

Love Your Pets!

3 best flea and tick shampoos for dogs

So your dogs has Fleas!  What are the best 3 flea and tick shampoos for dogs proven effective to kill fleas?

Those disgusting, biting bugs that get into everything!  They can cause your dog to scratch themselves raw. 

The first line of defense is a good flea killing shampoo for dogs that kills those fleas dead on contact.

Best Flea and Tick Shampoo for Dogs Chart

Best Flea and Tick Shampoos for Dogs Reviews

Editor’s Choice Flea and Tick Products: Top Flea Shampoos

  1. Best Flea Kit TropiClean
  2. Best Selling Adams Plus
  3. ​Best Organic 4 Legger

best tick shampoos

TropiClean Natural Flea and Tick Defense Dog Shampoo Review

TropiClean Flea Kit: Best Flea Combo Kit

best flea and tick shampoo for dogs

TropiClean Features

  • Comes in a 2 pack: shampoo and spray
  • Safe for puppies 12 weeks and older
  • Repels fleas, ticks, mosquitoes

This is a quality product from Tropiclean and provides protection from fleas and ticks. The ingredients are derived from all natural sources and are blended with lemon grass and sesame oil for maximizing the efficacy.

Tropiclean flea and tick shampoo is free from harsh and harmful chemicals like pyrethrin or permethrin. It is made from a natural formula and primarily made to treat fleas or ticks.

Tropiclean makes many products for dogs including breath fresheners and a puppy shampoo.  Check them out here: Tropiclean Products.

best dog flea and tick shampoos


  • Repels fleas and ticks with lemongrass and sesame oil
  • No harsh chemicals
  • Smells good
  • Safe for all breeds


  • 12 weeks and older only
  • Not for pets with sensitive skin
  • Can cause mild reaction in humans so wear gloves

Best Selling Flea and Tick Shampoo for Dogs

Adams Plus Flea & Tick Shampoo for Dogs Review

Adams Plus: Best Selling Flea and Tick Sha​​mpoo

best flea and tick shampoo for dogs

Adams Plus Features

  • Kills fleas, eggs, larvea, and ticks
  • PRECOR additive prevents against more fleas for up to 28 days
  • Lanolin and oatmeal moisturize and cleanse
  • Safe for all pets

does dog shampoo kill lice

Adams Plus Flea and Tick Shampoo with PRECOR is one of the best dog flea and tick shampoos on the market.  Concentrated and formulated from all natural ingredients such as oatmeal extract, coconut oil, aloe vera extract and lanolin.

These ingredients act as both cleansing and moisturizing agents, thereby leaving your dog’s fur clean, shiny and smooth after application of the product.  Adams not only kills fleas, it also deep cleans your dog, removing dirt and dander.

The additive PRECOR Insect Growth Regulator kills the adult fleas thereby hindering the life cycle of the same for the next 28 days.  Also, is best to use the shampoo only within 18 months after the date of packaging.

You can give your dog another flea bath right away if the infestation is bad, otherwise, Adams recommend every 7-14 days.   As always, do a spot check on your dog to make sure that they are not allergic to the ingredients in this shampoo.

Adams has a large selection of flea shampoos and products that are safe to use on dogs.  They are priced better than a lot of the competition, and the best price is online.   Adams is one of the best flea shampoos for dogs.

View more Adams Pet Care products here: Adams Pet Care

best flea and tick shampoo


  • Doesn’t leave a bad smell after application
  • Removes dirt and dander
  • All natural ingredients


  • Not so great in hot and humid conditions
  • Not for all breeds

Best Natural Flea Shampoo for Dogs

4 Legger: Natural Dog Shampoo Review

4 Legg​​er

best 3 flea and tick shampoos for dogs

Wahl Features

  • 100% vegan plant based ingredients
  • Concentrated and long lasting
  • Safe for Puppies under 12 weeks!
  • Safe for all breeds

4-legger products are free from toxins usually found in other pet grooming products.  This is another one of our top 10 dog shampoo picks that is not only good for your pet, but is also environmentally friendly. 

4-legger products are 100% USDA certified organic with no detergents, parabens or sulfates.  Their products are also biodegradable, vegan and cruelty free.  Fleas are repelled by using the natural lemongrass scent.

4-legger shampoos are making a name for themselves with vets and groomers due to their moisturizing and compatibility with the sensitive skin of dogs. All natural ingredients like coconut oil, shea butter, jojoba oil along with essential oils from lemongrass and rosemary, add to the appeal for 4-legger products.

Visit 4 Legger for tons more healthy and safe products for your pets.  View their products here: 4 Legger.

best dog shampoo


  • No wet dog smell
  • No harmful chemicals
  • Non irritating
  • Safe for all breeds
  • Approved by Vets


  • Only repels fleas for about a week

Fleas FAQs

Fleas and Your Dogs Health

A flea infestation in your dog’s fur is a serious condition that should be given special attention.

These parasitic creatures persistently feed on the blood of your pet and the resulting bites leave them irritated and itchy. Your dog, like mine, could even be allergic to the bites and scratch themselves raw!

The skin infections caused by flea bites may also result in anemia which is a serious condition.

It’s a great idea to research the best flea and tick shampoos for dogs before deciding which one to use on your puppy or dog.

Quick Flea Facts

  • Fleas lay up to 50 eggs per day!
  • Flea eggs and larva must be exterminated, not just adult fleas or the flea life cycle will continue.
  • How long can fleas live?  Fleas live 2-3 months
  • They can go 100 days without food AKA blood that they get by biting your pets and family members
  • Pets can be allergic to the bites (flea saliva) and scratch themselves raw
  • Fleas can survive the cold, but not heat.  You can wash and dry your bedding on the highest setting and drown and kill the fleas

Learn more about those disgusting fleas in our post 10 crazy facts about fleas.

What is Flea Shampoo for dogs?

The best flea and tick shampoo for dogs are formulated to kill fleas, their eggs and any larvea that are on your dog.  They will also repel fleas using a combination of natural ingredients and insect repellents.

They will be gentle enough to use on your dog, but some are not made for puppies under 12 weeks.

Flea shampoo for dogs is exactly that.  It won’t solve an allergies, dry skin, itch or a medical problem your dog may have on their skin.

Will Flea Shampoo get Rid of Fleas on my Dog?

Do flea shampoos work for dogs? Yes!  Flea shampoo is made to kill the fleas on your dog.  But only that.  It is not a long term flea solution.Any fleas in the environment, like your house or yard, will not be dealt with.

Flea shampoos provide immediate relief by killing the fleas that are currently on your dog.  They should be used with a longer term solution like a flea collar, topical treatment and yard/furniture sprays.

Will Regular Dog Shampoo Kill Fleas?

Regular dog shampoo might drown the fleas currently on your dog, but not likely.  You need to buy a shampoo formulated by vet and pest control experts with ingredients that kill fleas, their eggs and larvae.

Can You Use Flea Shampoo and Frontline?

Most flea shampoos for dogs are made so that they don’t remove topical flea treatments like Frontline or Advantage.  Check if your flea shampoo works with topical flea treatments by reading the instructions before you give your dog a bath.

Is there a Tick Shampoo for Dogs?

Most flea shampoos also kill ticks.  They work against ticks in the same way they work against fleas.  They kill any ticks that are on your dog and also work to keep them off by repelling them.  Check the label on your flea shampoo to make sure it also works for ticks.  All 3 of our recommended best flea shampoos for dogs also work to keep ticks off y our dog.

Homemade Flea Shampoos for Dogs: Flea Shampoo for Dogs DIY

Dog flea shampoos are medicated products that are formulated in such a way that not only kill the fleas and ticks but also clean your dogs fur.

In some instances, pet owners opt for homemade anti-flea shampoos.  These natural flea and tick shampoos are easy to make with ingredients you have lying around the house.

Giving a dog a flea bath in vinegar, liquid dishwashing soap and warm water may remove the itchiness for the time being, but the same is not a permanent solution.  Natural flea shampoos will also require a ton of brushing and combing.  Homemade flea shampoo is good in a pinch, if you want to give your dog some quick relief.  But we recommend going for a long term solution.

A more effective solution is to opt for a medicated anti-flea shampoo with a flea collar or a topical treatment.  Don’t forget to treat your house too, that’s where most of the fleas are actually living!

Do Flea Shampoos Work?

Does dog shampoo kill fleas?

Yes!  Flea shampoos for dogs are part of a flea control strategy that can also include flea collars, topical flea treatments, flea and tick combs, and furniture sprays.

But you can’t use any dog shampoo and think that will help to get rid of the fleas on your pet.  You must buy a dog shampoo specifically for killing fleas.

The best flea shampoos work to stop the flea life cycle.  How do flea shampoo work?  They work by killing not only the live adult fleas on your dog, but they also kill the eggs and larva and also repel fleas off your pooch.

This is done with an insect growth regulator such as PRECOR or  a more natural approach such as citrus to repel the fleas.

In order to rid yourself of your flea problem, not only will you have to treat your dog, you will have to invest some time and money into flea control and prevention.

Flea collars, topical treatments, furniture sprays, vacuuming and washing bedding will have to be done consistently to rid yourself of your flea problem.

Does Baby Shampoo Kill Fleas on Dogs?

While you may drown a few fleas here and there just by using baby shampoo on your dog, this won’t really do anything to the fleas on your dog and is just a waste of time.  Bathing a dog helps to get rid of fleas only when you use a flea control shampoo.

How Long Does Flea Shampoo Take to Work?

Flea shampoo works right away to kill the fleas, eggs, and larvae that are on your dog.  What it doesn’t do it kill all the fleas that are in your house and yard.  It also doesn’t form some invisible flea barrier that keeps fleas from jumping onto your dog.

For long term flea control, you will need one of the products we recommended above: Advantix II,  Seresto, Revolution Etc.

best flea and tick shampoo for dogs

How Often Can You Flea Dip Your Dog?

A flea dip sometimes gets confused with a flea bath.  Flea dips are a substance that you put onto your dog and you don’t rinse off.  They are old school and not as effective (and much more toxic) than the treatments we now have available.

Instead of a flea dip, we recommend using the products below to control fleas.


Other Ways to Control Fleas on Your Dog


Advantix II

 how often should i bathe my dog in flea shampoo

I have used both Advantage/Advantix and Revolution for my flea issues.

I found that the fleas were not being killed by Advantage any more so I switched to Revolution.

Depending on where you live, you may need to get a prescription from your vet. Revolution is a safe and simple monthly topical medication used to protect your dog or cat from heartworms, fleas, and ear mites.

Revolution is also used on dogs for the treatment or prevention of fleas, the American Dog Tick, ear mites, and canine sarcoptic mange.  It should only be used on dogs older than 6 weeks.

Never use use your dogs topical flea treatments on your cat: they contain ingredients that will seriously harm your cat.  Only use products that are made specifically for your cat.

Where to buy:

Seresto Flea Collars

seresto flea collar

This top selling Seresto flea and tick collar comes recommended by Vets.  It provides a low concentrated continuous release for 8 months of protection.  If you don’t like the idea of medications or topical flea treatments this one may be for you.

VetKem Spray

vetkem flea spray

I personally have found a ton of success using a spray called VetKem. I would consider it the best flea spray for your home on the market. 

My 2 pets were infested and the fleas were jumping all over me when I sat on the furniture!  GROSS! 

I sprayed VetKem in the furniture and the carpets as well.  Don’t forget to take off the cushions and pillows and get right inside the dark cracks where fleas love to hide and wait for their next victim.

I also sprayed in the cracks by the floorboards. One can does go a long way, so the cost is worth it.  It kills all fleas, eggs and larva for up to 7-8 months. 

Of course, you can’t stop there.  You will need to use human power. Good old fashioned elbow grease! You will have to vacuum your carpets (or sweep your floor) and furniture DAILY. 

Spray some vet kem and put some salt in your vacuum bag or canister to kill those fleas that get sucked up.  Maybe I went a little crazy.  But all the effort paid off and within a week or so all of the fleas were DEAD.

Is Flea Shampoo Safe for Dogs?

Flea shampoo is safe for dogs.  Companies that manufacture flea shampoos for dogs know their stuff.  They formulate their dog shampoos with ingredients that are deadly to fleas yet gentle on your dog. 

They do this by hiring Vets and pest experts to ensure you get the best quality product possible. Flea shampoo for dogs from dollar general or family dollar is a no go. 

Do NOT skimp out and be cheap with your pets health.  Spending an extra 5$ could mean the difference between a healthy happy cat or a $1,000 vet bill and health problems for life.  Just.don’

The flea shampoo that you use may not be safe for your puppy.  Make sure to use an alternative flea treatment and purchase a flea shampoo specially formulated to be gentle on your puppy such as Wahls Products.

What to Look for when Buying Flea Shampoo for Dogs

Best Flea and Tick Shampoo Features

  • Safe for your breed
  • Kills fleas, ticks, eggs and larvae
  • Natural ingredients
  • Vet approved
  • Long lasting
  • Smells good
  • Non toxic
  • Non irritating
  • Expiry date far into the future
  • Repels fleas

How to Check your Dog for Fleas

An effective anti-flea medicated product kills the adult fleas ending the flea’s life cycle, thereby alleviating your dog from discomfort.

Anti-flea shampoo can be used like a regular product and it doesn’t cause any harm to the dog’s coat and skin.  The same can be used with a spot on treatment product or with a flea collar for more effective treatment. 

The video below will show you how to check your pet for fleas so that you can be sure before treating them unnecessarily.

You should look for flea dirt on your pets skin, searching the areas around the neck and head first.  Flea dirt looks like tiny specs of black dirt. 

If you take the dirt and rub it on a white piece of paper, it will streak red!  It is actually flea poop (disgusting I know) and it is made up of your pets blood! 

You can also use a flea comb to comb through your pets fur.  The flea comb will pick up flea dirt, eggs and even fleas.  Make sure to give you pet a flea bath if you find anything!

It is always good to use natural products to ensure they leave no harmful damage on the pet. However, it is always a good idea to consult a veterinarian before using the product on your pet, especially nursing and pregnant dogs.

Do not use dog flea control products on cats; they contain ingredients that are toxic to your feline friends. 

Always read the label and make sure the product you purchase is good for all pets.  If in doubt, contact the manufacturer or your vets office for advice.

If you are looking for the best flea shampoo for cats, check out our recent post where we review the top 4 flea shampoos for cats that are proven effective: Top 4 Proven Best Flea Shampoos for Cats.

Does Flea Shampoo for Dogs Expire?

YES!  Using an expired dog shampoo may make your dogs skin problem worse and no one wants that.  Remember that dogs have more sensitive skin than humans, and any kind of negligence can harm their skin in a major way.  It is best to avoid any product that has passed its expiry date.

You must pay attention to the expiry date purchasing a dog flea shampoo.

It’s important to make sure that the container has not been tampered with.  Also, double check the expiry date and make sure the date is far into the future. 

Where is the expiration date on dog shampoo? Just like products made for humans, it should be printed and visible

  • on the bottom of the bottle
  • on the lid
  • on the side 

How long is dog shampoo good for?  Well, the depends on the product. 

A medicated shampoo for fleas and ticks or skin conditions, or an all natural shampoo without preservatives, may have a shorter expiry date than other commercial dog shampoos.

Keep your receipt!  This will come in handy if your dog reacts badly to the shampoo and you need to return it.

How do I give my Dog a Flea Bath

First step is to make sure to follow the instructions on the bottle.

 1. Get your pet thoroughly wet.2. Using about 1-2 tablespoons, lather up your pet, starting with the neck, tail area and paws and make sure to massage the shampoo down to the skin.3. Lather up the rest of your pet and4. Leave the shampoo on for 5-10 minutes (make sure to have treats or a helper handy!).         5.  Dry your pet thoroughly6.  Comb or brush your pet with a flea comb and get all those dead fleas and eggs out of your dogs coat.

How often can you Bathe your dog with Flea Shampoo?

If your pet has a big flea problem, you can give them another bath right away, otherwise every 7-14 days is recommended by most manufacturers. You do not want to bathe your pet everyday, this will dry out their skin and fur and your dog may end up having skin AND flea problems.  Make sure to wait 24 hours after applying a topical flea treatment before you dip your dog in a flea bath. Flea killing shampoo for dogs along with flea collars, flea combs, furniture sprays, and topical treatments will rid your home of fleas and prevent fleas from returning.  Most manufacturers of flea shampoos for dogs also have a line of total flea control products such as Adams, which makes everything from flea shampoo for pets, to flea collars, to flea sprays for furniture and your yard.  Attacking your flea problem from all angles, makes sure to get it under control fast. Read our post that goes into detail about how often you can bathe your dog in flea shampoo.

Can Flea Shampoo for Dogs be Used on Cats?

No.  Unless the product states on the bottle that it can be used on cats and dogs, then do not use it on your cat.  You will have to buy a product that is specially formulated for cats.

Ingredients such pyrethrins that are found in flea killing shampoo for dogs can seriously harm or even kill your cat. 

If you do not use a flea shampoo specifically made for cats, or flea products made for cats in general, they can make your cat very sick. This can cause your cat to experience nerve damage and even death. 

You might also wonder if you can use a flea shampoo for cats on your dog?  The answer is the same: unless the product specifically says it is for BOTH cats and dogs, do not use it on your pooch.  It could seriously harm or even kill your dog. 

Even then, we recommend reading the ingredients list to ensure that nothing in the flea shampoo could harm your cat or dog.  We review the Top 4 Proven Best flea shampoos for cats in our post here.

Dollar Store Flea Shampoo for Dogs

This is another no no.  Trying to save a few bucks on your pets shampoo can cost them their health.  Save yourself the pain and sadness, and a few $1,000 in vet bills, and buy a reputable shampoo such as the ones above.

Flea Shampoo for Puppies

Puppies, especially those under 12 weeks of age, are particularly vulnerable (because they are so little) to the flea killing ingredients in flea control products. 

Try the alternatives above if you find fleas on your puppy and consult your vet if you can’t get rid of them yourself.

Alternative to Flea Shampoo for Dogs

If you do not want to use flea shampoo on your dog (maybe it is too young or pregnant or otherwise sick) there are alternative flea treatments you can use. 

Alternatives to flea shampoo for dogs include using Dawn dish detergent, diatomaceous earth in your yard, throwing down Borax or salt onto your carpets/floors and vacuuming/sweeping regularly, flea collars, topical flea treatments and furniture sprays. 

Flea Shampoo for Pregnant Dogs

In this instance, I would recommend using other methods of removing fleas from your dog instead of a shampoo that contains flea killing ingredients.  Try a flea comb, dawn dish detergent and treat the furniture/bedding with flea sprays. 

Remember that most of your flea problem comes from the fleas, eggs and larva in your home, not the ones on your pet. 

Reducing or eliminating the fleas in your home and on your pregnant dog will reduce the chances that the puppies will end up with fleas.  Consult your vet for further information.


The large number of options available in the market today complicates the process of choosing the appropriate product for your pooch.

There are a ton of flea and tick killing products and a huge number of ingredient choices and special additives available in the products that caters to specific needs of the pet owners poses can make it difficult to choose what is right for you and your pet.

We took a look at the best 3 flea and tick shampoos on the market, judged by customers just like you.

If you are looking for the best selling flea and tick solution, then choose Adams Plus Flea and Tick Shampoo.  With an insect growth regulator, you may only have to give your dog a flea bath once a month!

If a strong and effective product is your choice, that is all natural and offers protection from parasitic insects without the detrimental effects you can opt for TropiClean Natural Flea and Tick Defense Shampoo.

For a milder yet effective product that can offer extensive protection against fleas, ticks and is also gentle on the skin of your dog, the 4 Legger Dog Shampoo is the ideal choice.

Do you have a tip or trick to fight fleas and ticks on your pets?  Share it with us in the comments below.

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