Top 6 Hypoallergenic Dogs for Allergies

Love Your Pets!

top hypoallergenic dogs

Below, we have compiled a list of the top hypoallergenic dogs for people with allergies.

Just because you have allergies doesn’t mean that you can’t have a dog!  Watery eyes, stuffed nose and skin rashes could be solved if you adopt the right breed of dog. 

It just so happens that there are hypoallergenic dog breeds that have coats that shed much less than other breeds, or dog breeds that don’t drool.  This can mean less allergic reactions for allergy sufferers.  So what are the best dogs for allergy sufferers?


What is a Hypoallergenic Dog Breed?

What does it mean to have a hypoallergenic dog?  A hypoallergenic dog is a dog breed whose coat does not shed as much as other breeds of dog and whose coat is more like human hair than dog fur.  Dander, which is technically tiny bits of your dogs skin, attaches to your dogs hair. 

When your dog sheds its hair, as all breeds do, the hair and the attached dander end up in your house. 

This is a main cause of pet allergies in humans.  Dander can remain in the air in your house for long periods of time. 

Also, there is a protein in your dogs saliva that gets onto their fur from their tongues when they lick themselves.  Humans can also be allergic to this protein.  A dog breed that drools is also to be avoided because there is a better chance of getting their saliva on your skin. 

A humans immune system is basically over-reacting to a harmless thing such as the dander or protein when it has an allergic reaction.  If your dog doesn’t shed as much then it greatly reduces the chances of an allergic reaction from dog hair and dander being all over your house.  There are a few shampoo products available that can help your allergies, check them out here.

Worst Dog Breed for Allergies

The worst dog breeds for allergies will be those that have a ton of hair (which means they shed a TON) and those that drool.  Larger dogs also tend to trigger allergies more often because there is just more dog hair.  Breeds like the German Shepherd, Bulldogs and Saint Bernards are top No nos.

Pomeranians might be small, and they don’t drool much, but they are covered in a double coat and shed like crazy.  With shedding dog hair comes dander or doggy dandruff.  Dogs like Huskies also shed their double coats twice per year, releasing a ton of hair and dander into your home.

Dogs that are difficult to housetrain should also be on this list.  Pee and poop are triggers for allergy sufferers.  Some small breed dogs are difficult to housetrain like pekinese, chihuahua, or pomeranians.  

hypoallergenic dog  breeds

Why choose a Hypoallergenic Dog?

The American Kennel Club states that while there are no 100% hypoallergenic dog breeds, some breeds have a non-shedding coat that produces less dander because they shed less than other breeds. 

Less dander means the chances of a reaction are reduced.  If you want a dog for a pet, then choosing a hypoallergenic dog breed is a great idea.

In this case, smaller may be better because smaller dogs will shed less, making it less likely that you will have an allergic reaction.  Check out the video below for a good look at the breeds the AKC recommends.

top 6 hypoallergenic dogs for allergies

How do you know if you are Allergic to dogs?

Pet allergies are common.  This stinks because most people who are allergic to pets also love them.   According to Healthline,  the symptoms of a dog allergy may range from mild to severe.

Symptoms may not appear for several days after exposure in people with low sensitivity. Be on the lookout for: 

  • swelling and itching in the membranes of the nose or around the eyes
  • redness of the skin after being licked by a dog
  • coughing, shortness of breath, or wheezing within 15 to 30 minutes of exposure to allergens
  • rash on the face, neck, or chest
  • a severe asthma attack (in someone with asthma)
  • Children with dog allergies will often develop eczema in addition to the above symptoms. 

Don’t believe everything you read or hear about pet allergies. 

There is a great article by Time Magazine that explains that exposing children to pets early on actually decreases the chance that they will develop pet allergies later on in life.

top hypoallergenic dog breeds for people with allergies

How to Reduce Your Pet Allergy Symptoms

The Mayo Clinic says that if you’re allergic to dogs, but still want one, consider the following tips to reduce your allergy symptoms:

  • Choose a smaller dog, which will shed less dander than a larger dog.
  • Choose a dog that does not drool because this reduces the chance of getting your dogs saliva on your skin causing a reaction
  • Keep your pet out of your bedroom and other rooms in which you spend a lot of time.
  • Keep your pet outside, if weather permits.
  • Bathe your pet weekly to remove dander from its coat.  We take out the guesswork with our dog shampoo reviews here.
  • Use a dander reducing shampoo to help you with your allergies.  We review the top selling dander reducing shampoos in a recent post that you can find HERE.
  • Choose carpet-free flooring, or shampoo your carpet regularly.
  • Use a high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) purifier and vent filters to help reduce airborne pet allergens.  Two best sellers are the LEVOIT HEPA Purifier and the Germ Guardian 3 in 1 HEPA Filter.

On to the good stuff……….

Top 6 Hypoallergenic Dogs for People with Allergies

What dog breeds are noted for being the most hypoallergenic?  Are Poodles hypoallergenic?  What about Shih Tzus?  Are goldendoodles hypoallergenic?  Here are the Top 6 hypoallergenic dog breeds.

  • Bichon Frise
  • Poodle
  • Schnauzer
  • Hairless Breeds
  • Coton De Tulear
  • Afghan Hound

Bichon Frise

dogs for allergy sufferers

If you suffer from allergies, the Bichon Frise may be for you.  This small dog comes packed full of personality.  At less than a foot high, they are compatible with most lifestyles.  Their coats require brushing about two to three times per week and trips to the groomer every four to six weeks. 

They are always white in color and may require a special whitening shampoo to maintain the luster and whiteness of their coats.  Check out our review of Whitening shampoo for dogs here.  They are considered hypoallergenic because their coats shed very little and what is shed, gets caught up in their undercoat. 

Interesting Fact about the Bichon Frise from the AKC: The breed has existed for a long time and they were frequently used as items of barter.


dogs for allergy sufferers top hypoallergenic dogs

Poodle come in many sizes, from standard to miniature to toy.  Regardless of their size, they are all considered hypoallergenic.  They shed very little, but do require a ton of brushing to keep their coats from getting matted.  Most owners prefer to keep their poodle’s hair trimmed short to reduce the time they have to spend grooming their dog.

Interesting Facts about the Poodle from the AKC: Poodles were breed to hunt ducks!


dogs for allergy sufferers top hypoallergenic dogs

Another breed that comes in a variety of sizes including toy, standard and giant.  They have dense wirey coats that must be brushed weekly and clipped/stripped to maintain a healthy coat.  They require trips to the groomer.

Pictured here is a toy schnauzer.  They were originally bred to catch rats and weigh anywhere from 10-15 lbs.  They can live in most environments and are ideal for families.  They have a low tendency to drool which is great for protecting against allergies due to dog saliva.

Interesting Facts about the Schnauzer: Originally used as farm dogs and ratters.

Hairless Breeds

dogs for allergy sufferers top hypoallergenic dogs

Some of the most notable are the small hairless Chinese Crested, American Hairless Terrier, and the obscure Peruvian Inca Orchid.  Hairless dogs may have no hair at all or just a tiny bit like the Chinese Crested in the photo above.  Regardless of which one you pick, you two are sure to be the star of the dog park as hairless dogs are rare.

Interesting Facts about Hairless Dogs: You must protect them with sunscreen if you go out during a hot sunny day as they do not have fur to protect their skin from burning.   Epi-Pet has a great top rated sun protector spray for your pets.

Coton De Tulear

dog breeds for people with allergies

According to the AKC, the Coton de Tulear is charming, bright and happy go lucky.  It ranges from 8-15 lbs, and grows to be about 10 inches tall.  And wow, it sure lives a long time at 15-19 years! 

You can keep you dog in a short or long clip, but the long clip will require daily grooming to keep the hair next to the skin from getting matted.  You will also want to use a whitening shampoo for dogs on this breeds to keep their fur nice and bright white. 

Interesting facts about the Coton de Tulear: This cute little breed is actually from Madagascar and has been portrayed on a postage stamp!

Afghan Hound

dogs for people with allergies


This is one of the bigger dogs in the hypoallergenic category, along with a standard or giant schnauzer.  They grow to be about 50-60 lbs and 25-27 inches high. Their long coats do not shed as much as other dog breeds.  This breed does require extensive brushing and grooming to keep their long coat looking fantastic.  Regular bathing with shampoo AND conditioner is required.  

Interesting fact about Afghan Hounds: Barbie dolls used to come with a sidekick: an Afghan Hound!

Do you own one of these breeds?  How are your allergies?  Let us know in the comments below and follow us on social!